Tuesday, September 25, 2012

grOw/cOmic#5, page 40 completed!

Unfortunately, this seems to happen a often enough: I am cruising along on a page, and just when I begin to think I will easily finish it by the end of the day, the panels prove to be more complicated that originally thought, and the work spills over into the next day. This is exactly what happened to page 40. It's not terrible, but it's just enough to make a page into a "2-day'er" rather than a "1-day'er". Ah, well.  :)  On to page 41...

(Note: I also realized that the last few previews were the "old" size of 300px x 300px. I fixed that with this one, retruning to the "new" size of 400px x 400px.)


Anonymous said...

Excitement is killing me!

BustArtist said...

Code blue! Er... code boob! Clear!