Friday, July 26, 2019

grOw/cinema, Ep. XIII, frame 31 complete!

Another busy week, with work on grOw/cinema, real life work, Patreon work, etc. etc. On top of that, the frames I worked on this week were quite detailed once again, with many characters overlapping (as you can partial see from this preview, which is only about 14% of the full frame). This takes a lot more time, up to 2 or 3 times as much on average. I finished up to frame 31, and made great progess on frame 32. We are now 45% done with the issue!

Friday, July 19, 2019

grOw/cinema, Ep. XIII, frame 23 complete!

It was a busy week, with some "real life" happenings, and "real life" work taking up some important work time. Also, working on extra-detailed frames (due to multiple characters in a single shot) int the last few frames, only resulted in 8 completed frames this week. While the frame count was slightly lower, the detail and work nearly matched the usual amount per week. With 23 frames done, we are now at the one-third mark!

(Need more previews? Become a Patron and get a preview of each frame of grOw/cinema as they are completed!)

Friday, July 12, 2019

grOw/cinema, Ep. XIII, frame 15 completed!

Considering all the things that went on this week — working on my new Patreon page, "RL" work, "RL" events — I was able to make great progress on the next issue of grOw/cinema this week by completing 13 more frames! Like Heidi's breasts here in the preview, this is big news!  ;) With 15 frames done, we are past the 20% mark of the next issue.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

grOw/cinema, Ep.XIII begins! First 2 frames completed!

I meant to post this last Friday, but I wanted to give my Patreon post more "top of the page" time.

Here is a preview form the first few frames of grOw/cinema, Episode XIII. Work on the latest issue is in full swing, with lines being drawn, backgrounds being rendered, airbrushes sculpting, and dialogue being typeset. Get ready for more previews in the coming weeks!

(And if one per week is not enough, check out my Patreon page where you can see a preview of EVERY page if you become a Patron!)

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

grOw/patreOn launches!


A new way to see new, monthly BustArtist art !

including a chance to request
a free Commission by me!

Patreon link :

New Artwork, sketches, sequences, and process videos !
• 5 tiers of patronage and Rewards!
A chance to request a Free single-character Commission each month!
• Vote on artwork! Suggest new images!
• See Works in Progress ("WIP")!

• Earn $2 or $5 coupon codes for!
• Watch speed process videos on the creation of artwork!
• See more in-production grOw previews!

• Support my work to keep grOw coming and coming!

The time in between grOw releases can be long, depending on the length and complexity of each issue.  My new Patreon page will help me continue to pay the bills more efficiently in between those times. And it means some more of my artwork on a regular basis for you!  There's even a chance to win a Commission from me (single-character), including those "themes" that you don't usually see drawn by me in grOw! (Details to come...)

Will my usual grOw series releases still continue?  Definitely!  Will this new Patreon page add more time in-between grOw releases?  Only a small amount. I've planned ahead and will be extending my work hours, as well as crafted out an efficient work plan to get Patreon awards out with minimal impact on grOw at!

Help support me on my new Patreon page!
Go there now to see FREE sample artwork, sketches, and video without having to join yet!