"Succubus" has been well received, and I thank you for your support. Longbow9 was glad to hear of the positive feedback.
So what has been happening since its release about 5 weeks ago? A lot, actually, behind the scenes.
If you've gone to my website, you may have noticed the big improvements I made there:
- Larger and more previews.
- Larger Front page images.
- Sectioning the grOw/cOmics by one series per page for clarity.
- Sectioning the grOw/stOries by one 3-stOry-collection per page.
- And recently adding a "Help Chat"! Yes, if I am online, you will see a little chat tab pop-up on the bottom of certain pages (Main store, help, faq, contact) after a few moments of visiting the page. Click to initiate a quick chat with me if you have a question on your order! Instant help!
I also will be writing one that I became very passionate about. I think you all will really like it. It is a complete reworking of the very first E.L. Pub story called "The Blooming of Bonnie." I will most likely be keeping the title, as it works so well with what I have been coming up with. Currently, I am about 85-90% done with the first draft of the story. While not as large as the last release, "Succubus", it will be the second longest stOry to-date, and will probably be in the area of 30,000 words. This one will be pure breast expansion and will include both male-female as well as female-female sexual scenes. It will also have a strong storyline, with some interesting plot twists, that I hope you will enjoy.
I also have been working on the basic plot line of the next grOw/cOmic series, which will be focused on breast expansion and lactation, and will include a number of women growing. It will be a "kind" of sequel to a previous grOw/cOmic series — that is, in the same "world", and tied into the previous comic, but with new characters.
So, Happy New Year to all ! And stay tuned!