Good news all around! Read on!
grOwing Desires
Chapter 1: "The best-laid plans often go awry"
18 color pages, plus 2 covers
Jon was visiting his girlfriend at college and attended a party that was being thrown by his sweetheart, Lynn, and her 2 roommates. The reason for the party, however, was unknown to him.
Secretly, Lynn was marking the occasion of the first time she and Jon would sleep together. Wanting to "blow his mind", Lynn seeks help from her roommate, Claudine. However, a surprising turn-of-events throws everyone's plans into disarray.
Now, stuck in the locked-down dorm, Jon is confronted by another female student, who's breasts — for some unknown reason — are growing larger by the minute!
Category: Breast Expansion (unknown: big - very huge), PE
*This release is the highest resolution and highest quality artwork to date!
My Host has lifted a lot of their upload limits. What does this mean? Well, for starters, some file size limits have now been removed. grOw/cOmic#4's release is the highest resolution and highest quality to date! It also allows ME to do the uploading—thus, there will be no more waiting periods from the time the issue is finished to release (when I am normally waiting for my Host to upload the file).
The Second Stimulating Stimulus Sale!
For a limited time, ALL previously-released products at BA Studios (except the newly released grOw/cOmic#4) will be sold at discounted prices, some drastically cut! Here is a small sample of what is on sale:
- grOw/cOmic#1: Milk Farm : normally $13.95, previous sale $11.95, now $9.95.
- grOw/cOmic#2: each issues normally $7.50 each, now $5.00.
- grOw/cOmic#3: each issue: normally $7.50, previous sale $11.95, now $6.00.
- grOw/cOmic#3: Collection 1-5 : normally $37.50, previous sale $32.50, now $26.00.
- grOw/stOry#3 : normally $7.50, previous sale $5.95, now $3.50.
- grOw/stOry#7 : normally $7.50, now $5.00.
- And much, much more!
Go to to purchase!